What's On

Discover all the fantastic features at the show!

STIHL TIMBERSPORTS® are an international extreme lumberjack sports competition series with its roots in Canada, the United States, Australia and New Zealand. Today, the world’s most highly skilled athletes compete in national and international events featuring six disciplines, three using an axe – Springboard, Standing Block Chop and Underhand Chop – and three using saws – Stock Saw, Single Buck and Hot Saw.

The competition pushes each competitor’s skill and endurance levels to the absolute limit, as they chop through large logs in seconds using a combination of axes, two-metre crosscut saws and high-powered chainsaws. Maximum points are awarded for the fastest time, with the athlete accumulating the most points being crowned the winner.

The Royal Three Counties Show hosts the STIHL TIMBERSPORTS® British Championship, British Rookie Championship and the STIHL TIMBERSPORTS® British Women’s Championship. The competing athletes hail from across the UK, including the Three Counties and surrounding areas!

In the British Championship, the male athletes compete against each other across six disciplines, under 25 Rookies take part in four events and the female athletes in the British Women’s Championship compete in four.

There are also chances for visitors to have a go – it’s certainly not as easy as it looks!