Posted on: March 16th, 2020 · Posted in: Uncategorised

Following the recent change in Government advice, it is with much regret that we can confirm the cancellation of the following events that were due to take place at Three Counties Showground this year.
CountryTastic – 9 April
RHS Malvern Spring Festival – 7-10 May
Three Counties Championship Dog Show – 4-7 June
Royal Three Counties Show – 12-14 June
Whilst we are devastated to be making this announcement, we wholeheartedly support the Government on this matter. We know these events are a calendar highlight for many thousands of people and that our exhibitors, designers and staff spend many months preparing for the shows, but public health and safety has to be our number one priority.
The cancellation of our shows will have a big impact on our staff and wider community in many ways. With this in mind, and with the uncertainty facing us in the months ahead, it’s more important than ever that we pull together to support the most vulnerable amongst us. We are currently looking at ways that we as an organisation can get involved in wider community efforts.
Currently, the cancellation advice only affects CountryTastic, RHS Malvern Spring Festival, Three Counties Championship Dog Show and Royal Three Counties Show. We’re hoping to hold Malvern Autumn Show at the showground as planned. We will continue to monitor the situation and will provide updates should the Government advice change.
We will be in contact with everyone who has purchased tickets to the four cancelled events, along with all our stakeholders within the next 21 days.
We would like to thank our visitors, exhibitors, sponsors and all who support our shows, and extend our best wishes to everybody at this challenging time.